Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gourmet Ham & Swiss

This "Gourmet Ham & Swiss" was invented by the hubby.  He is the more creative of our pair.  :)  But I had to share it because it is so delicious. (And I had it for lunch today so it reminded me to get this one on the blog!)

Gourmet Ham & Swiss

1 Croissant Roll (or sourdough is yummy too)
3 thin slices of black forest ham
1 slice of swiss cheese
2 Tsp Mayonnaise (maybe a little less, just enough to cover bread)
2 Tsp Yellow Mustard (maybe a little less, just enough to cover bread)
1/2 Tsp Olive Oil (be careful with this, you don't want it oily)
1/2 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar (sometimes we do more but we like this flavor)
Dashes of Salt, Pepper, & Italian seasoning
Romaine Lettuce (1/2 a leaf should do)

1.  Spread the Mayo & Mustard on one half of the croissant and sprinkle the salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.
2. On the other half of sandwich, lightly pour olive oil.
3.  Add a layer of lettuce.
4. Sprinkle Balsamic sparingly on the lettuce.
5. Add your layers of ham and cheese. Give it a good smush.

Voila, a gourmet sandwich with things we always have around!

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