Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gourmet Ham & Swiss

This "Gourmet Ham & Swiss" was invented by the hubby.  He is the more creative of our pair.  :)  But I had to share it because it is so delicious. (And I had it for lunch today so it reminded me to get this one on the blog!)

Gourmet Ham & Swiss

1 Croissant Roll (or sourdough is yummy too)
3 thin slices of black forest ham
1 slice of swiss cheese
2 Tsp Mayonnaise (maybe a little less, just enough to cover bread)
2 Tsp Yellow Mustard (maybe a little less, just enough to cover bread)
1/2 Tsp Olive Oil (be careful with this, you don't want it oily)
1/2 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar (sometimes we do more but we like this flavor)
Dashes of Salt, Pepper, & Italian seasoning
Romaine Lettuce (1/2 a leaf should do)

1.  Spread the Mayo & Mustard on one half of the croissant and sprinkle the salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.
2. On the other half of sandwich, lightly pour olive oil.
3.  Add a layer of lettuce.
4. Sprinkle Balsamic sparingly on the lettuce.
5. Add your layers of ham and cheese. Give it a good smush.

Voila, a gourmet sandwich with things we always have around!


Just recently, upon searching my Pinterest boards, I realized that many of our favorite recipes are our own little concoctions.   My husband was urging me to make a list of our faves because we like to try so many new things we sometimes forget the classics.  Well...welcome to our list!  As I said, most of our faves are made up so, there's no where to find them or "pin" them.  I figured I should get them "written" down somewhere.  We will share all our favorites with you and new ones we try out!  Hope at least one other person enjoys these recipes as much as we do!  And along the way, we may "dish" about some other stuff.
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